No moon - no stars in Heaven.
It feel´s like a big empty whole.
Or is it the big empty whole i feel in my Heart ?
I do want the Moon - and i do want the Stars.
Fill the whole with the Moon, and you´ll fill
my Heart with Love.
Fill it with Love so i can go on living, because i
want to live so i can go on Loving You.
And be there for You.
I can´t feel - i am so tired of trying.
I´d tryed to do my best. My very best.
But i don´t know if it is enough ?
I want Love from two different way´s.
One from the Moon and one from the Stars.
I am reaching, but it´s far away.
Please - meet me half way and fill my Heart with Love.
Anneli 2007-11-30
vännen. Jesus och jag,vi älskar dej...
SvaraRaderaSer att du behöver det. Du vet att vi har alltid varandra här inne, om man behöver! Glöm inte det! Puss å kram och klapp på kinden
SvaraRaderager dig en stor advents kraaam